animal idiom

To bug someone

To bug someone means to bother a person.

Example: My little sister is always bugging me about everything.

Cash Cow

Cash cow means a bussiness that makes a lot of profit.

Example: Tony’s new business is a real cash cow.

Bird Brain

Bird brain is used to describe a person that is not very smart.

Example: Paul said Peter had a bird brain because he failed his exam.

Monkey on your back

Monkey on your back means to have a big problem that wont go away.

Example: Debt has really been a monkey on my back over the past few years.

To pull a rabbit out of a hat

To pull a rabbit out of a hat means to do something surprising with great skill.

Example: Paula pulled a rabbit out of the hat when she did that backflip.

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grasss is used to describe a person that is sneaky, or a hateful person.

Example: Her attitude is very sneaky she can be a snake in the grass at times.

To be the cock of the walk

To be the cock of the walk is used to describe a person who thinks they are more important.

Example: John is the cock of the walk at school, his superiorty makes him belive that.

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